Query EDMED data sets | Query EDMED organisations | SPARQL endpoint
With this search interface you are able to query the online EDMED database and display the result of your query on screen. For a detailed explanation of each specific search option hover over the '?' button in each section. You may opt to query EDMED data sets or find details of the data holding centres.
'Free search' - enter a word or simple phrase — the character string may contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and white space only. The database is searched for occurrences of this string. All records containing the string are returned in the results table. The free search is applied to the following fields in the database: data set name and summary, geographical coverage, parameters and instruments.
By selecting a 'Begin year', only data sets from and after the selected year will be chosen. The default will match any data set irrespective of when it began.
By selecting an 'End year', only data sets from and before the selected year will be chosen. The default will match any data set irrespective of when it ended.
You can refine your search by choosing a minimum duration of the data set. This can be combined with the 'Begin year' and 'End year' options. For example, if a 'Begin year' and 'End year' are also selected the duration of the data set must fit between these two.The default will match any data set irrespective of duration.
The format is degrees, hemisphere. Northernmost latitude must be in the range 00° to 90°. Northernmost must be more north than Southernmost.
The format is degrees, hemisphere. Westernmost longitude must be in the range 00° to 180°. Westernmost must be more west then Easternmost.
The format is degrees, hemisphere. Easternmost longitude must be in the range 00° to 180°. Easternmost must be more east then Westernmost.
The format is degrees, hemisphere. Southernmost latitude must be in the range 00° to 90°. Southernmost must be more south than Northernmost.
Each data set is keyed with one or more entries from this menu list. The list contains classifications at multiple levels - the first reflects the marine discipline associated with the data set, while this is further categorized by the type of data within the discipline. If the type of data you are seeking does not fall naturally under one of the data theme keys on the menu, then you should select keys at the discipline level.
Each data set is keyed with one or more entries from this menu list. The list contains types of instrument/gear or methodology used to collect the data represented within the data set. Multiple instrument themes may be selected. The default is set to match any data set irrespective of its instrument theme.
The names and limits of oceans and seas used in this table are taken from the 3rd Edition of International Hydrographic Bureau Special Publication No.23 published in 1953. Each data set is linked to one or more sea areas. Note that an ocean or ocean region is only named if the data set has ocean-wide coverage, in which case the individual sea area within the ocean is not named. For data sets that have world coverage, select the 'Worldwide' option. To select all data sets for a whole ocean, whether or not the data sets have ocean wide coverage, 'multiple select' all options for that region. The default is set to match any data set irrespective of its sea area
Select one or more projects from the list box. The default is set to match any data set irrespective of project.
Restricts your search to EDMED entries from data holding centres and data originators located in the specified country. Specifying a host country automatically restricts the list of data holding centres available for selection in the 'Data holding centre' box and data orginators in the 'Data originators' box. These may be used to further refine your search. The default 'ALL' will return records irrespective of country.
Restricts your search to EDMED entries returned by one or more data originators. The list may be shortened by specifying a 'Host country'. The default (no originator selected) will return records irrespective of data originator. Use CTRL+click to unselect.
Restricts your search to EDMED entries returned by one or more data holding centres. The list may be shortened by specifying a 'Host country'. The default (no centre selected) will return records irrespective of data centre. Use CTRL+click to unselect.
It is the role of the national 'Collating centres' to construct the necessary standard keywords and administrative fields that are essential for user-searching through EDMED entries. The default will match any data set irrespective of the responsible Collating Centre.
Determines whether the records returned by your query are listed in order of data set start date (Date) or data set name, host country or data holding centre (Alphabetically). Select the appropriate item from the 'Order by' pull down list.
You can set how many records are returned per page. The default is 10. Select an appropriate option according to your computer's specification and speed of internet connection.